

At UNIQ™ Skincare Co, we are committed to providing high-quality skincare devices designed to enhance your beauty regimen. Our products, including the Micro-current Handset, IPL Device, Radiant Wand and Red Light Therapy Face Mask, are developed based on research and designed to cater to a wide range of skin types and concerns. However, it's important to acknowledge that individual results may vary.

Individual Results May Vary

Every individual’s skin and body respond uniquely to skincare treatments, including those provided by our devices. Factors such as skin type, skin condition, health status, lifestyle, and adherence to treatment protocols can significantly influence the outcomes. While we strive to create devices that are effective for a broad audience, we cannot guarantee that every user will experience identical results.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

We recommend consulting with a dermatologist or qualified healthcare provider before starting any new skincare treatment, especially if you have known skin conditions, sensitivities, or are undergoing any medical treatments that could affect your skin. Our devices are designed for cosmetic use and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions.

Usage Guidelines

For the best results, please follow the usage guidelines provided with each device. Proper use, as directed, is key to achieving the desired outcomes. Misuse or deviation from the recommended usage protocol may not only diminish effectiveness but also increase the risk of adverse effects.

Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials, reviews, and before-and-after photos found on our website and marketing materials represent the real-life experiences and opinions of our customers. They are individual results and posted with the consent of the individuals involved. These testimonials are not intended to guarantee or imply that all users will experience identical benefits or results.

Limitation of Liability

UNIQ™ Skincare Co shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, resulting from the use or the inability to use our products.


By purchasing and using our products, you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer and understand that results vary from person to person. You also agree to use our devices according to the instructions and guidelines provided, and consult a healthcare professional as needed.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions regarding this disclaimer or any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team at hello@uniqskin.com